Drone, Sensor and Data Expertise for the Environmental Sector


We are experts at using drone photography to make 3D models, georeferenced orthophotos and Digital Elevation Models to client specified accuracy.

Data Presentation and Analysis

We do data! In fact we love it: Statistical analysis,  and presentation of complex science in easy to understand and action formats suitable for all levels. of scientific understanding.

Atmospheric Measurements

With PhD level knowledge of meteorology, pollutant gases and particulates we can provide instrumentation & measurement expertise for a wide range of projects including Urban Air Quality, Industrial Emissions, and natural hazards monitoring.

Sensor Development and Integration

With coding skills in languages such as C, C++, Python, Javascript and electrical engineering we can work with all kinds of sensors and data formats and rates to link them with other systems. We specialise in drone/sensor integration for realtime measurements, from inexpensive, arduino and Pi based systems, to state-of-the-art Hyperspectral LIDARs and gas and aerosol flux systems, we understand them all.


We excel in innovative sensor development, software engineering, field deployment (mainly drones),data processing and interpretation .

With a focus on solutions to pressing challenges in the Earth and Atmospheric sectors, we help integrate cutting edge instrumentation onto drones, plan and fly test flights, and engineer software to automate data capture and analysis.

Who we work with

Anyone who has an envrionmental challenge, especially relating to atmospheric sensing and earth observation. We love innovation and ‘almost impossible’ challenges and aim to help build the sector.

  • Private sector  – land owners/companies requiring UAS or instrument services
  • Universities – scientific flight services from UAS Earth Observation to research instrument development and integration
  • Agencies, Interest groups and Charities – surveys and wider discussion about

Big Sky Science Ltd is registered in England and Wales, Company Number 11286400

10 Wrens Court, 48 Victoria Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1SY